E-Reuse Your Clutter Buddy If You Have Hoarding Disorder 

Hoarding disorder can be dangerous and can make your life and others who are living with you hell can seriously get affected by your habits. It’s hard to fight with this disorder and this we know, but we also know that it’s possible to get rid of hoarding disorder. So, if you find symptoms in you or any of your loved ones homes you must take immediate action. From this guide, you will learn a lot about hoarding disorder and how E-Reuse can help you.

Hoarding in a nutshell

In simple language, hoarding is a mental disorder where an individual finds difficulty discarding possessions. The problem is that they collect things that are junk and totally useless. Can you imagine where this is going to take that individual’s life? It will affect their physical health, unmanageable space, and definitely no hygiene. Usually, many of us have habits of collecting things that are of no use, but that does not hurt anybody because it is just stacked in one box, but what if you have a whole house stacked with items you will never use in your life, but still, you are so much attached to it that you can’t let it go. We have met people with homes stacked items from floor to ceiling and it’s difficult to move even from one inch to another. This is also dangerous if their kids or old people sharing your livings space. People suffering from hoarding disorder do suffer from shame and frustration, but they need help which they realize, but do not take any act. We just want to say you can get out of it; you just have to invite us to your home. No matter your hoarding disorder is mild or severe we guarantee you will live a normal life within few months of meeting with us. 

Hoarders House mess

Yes, it’s a pain seeing people living in such conditions, but helping them with emotional distress is what E-Reuse does. Our team understands your emotions, guilt, and sadness that you feel just by thinking about discarding items, but it’s important so that you can enjoy healthy relationships with your loved ones. Our team will help you in getting rid of the clutter so that you can gain back your healthier attitude and invite the world to your beautiful home that is full of space, fresh air, and happiness. We advise you to start with learning everything about hoarding or talk to us. 

Learn about the dangers of hoardings

If your neighbors have started teasing you about how your house looks then ignoring them will not help because it will get dangerous. Just imagine today just one room is full of useless items slowly every room will cover the space resulting in health hazards. Despite a house full of clutter hoarders don’t realize changes in their behavior but others do. It’s the responsibility of family and friends to tell them and find help for them.  So, what are the dangers?

  • Clutter in rooms can cause tripping or falling 
  • On the piles, dust will gather leading to health problems 
  • One surefire problem is that every entryway, doorways will be blocked and will make it hard to move for everyone from kids to older people. 
  • If you have heaters and stoves then can cause a fire hazard
  • If you have a partner you are surely going to be left alone soon
  • Hoarding never lets you even maintain basic hygiene and can cause bug infestation, and things that can give  you cringes
  • If you have a child he will be taken by social services because someone will report 
  • Some hoarders collect so many things that their yards, gardens are also full which causes issues to neighbors and you also lose your social life.
  • Repairs at home like plumbing/boiler services  can be difficult which may lead to people refusing to  give you services. 

All these are dangers of hoarding and now you might have understood how badly you need help. Hoarders can totally lose their living just because they have a habit of collecting things and they desire keeping them till death. This might look tempting to them, but its dangers are real. We have already helped many and are willing to help you as well till you get rid of the last item that is of no use to you anymore. 

What causes HD and what are the signs?

This is where we need your attention because you will be surprised to know how common it is. Fact says that 25% of people show symptoms of Hoardings, but juat only 2 percent have serious symptoms and need diagnosis and treatment. HD is also hereditary and is commonly seen in people who are above 55 and can get serious as you get older. It’s very easy to feel the urge of holding things when we go back to our childhood. Our parents used to take things from us because they were old and useless, but still, it was a pain, we do not want to see it in the trash. That impulse was intense and we used to cry for hours. We understand what you are going through and we are glad that we know how to help you. HD can be caused if you have a stressful life. You must mend your relationships no matter how bad they are, work with your job and lift your financial resources so that you can deal with life well. 

People feel like it’s hard to let go of things because they are attached to their loved ones and discarding them can be emotionally draining, but it’s really not that hard. 
hoarder stressed out

Look for symptoms

  •  If you have started developing the habit of collecting things which are of no use like old clothes, old newspapers, food containers, junk mails, plastic bags, etc.
  •  Developing strong emotion with items and every day it gets harder to discard them. 
  • Feeling pain just by imagining discarding your things
  • Worrying you will run out of items or will find a use one day of items that you have already stacked.
  • You have started developing the habit of disorganization and now you no longer have space.
  • Your daily life is getting affected like your health and well being

We have also experience that people with HD also have other mental disorders like ADHD, OCD, and PTSD. Treating HD is possible and we have already made it happen. 

Get support with E-Reuse

We know that if you have HD you might be hiding this from your friends and family, but you do not have to worry when you are with us. You can trust us and open up in front of us. We will not judge you because we are just an extra pair of hands that will help reduce all that junk in your house. 
We promise talking to us will help because we will give you coping tips and help you access resources for guaranteed results. We are your clutter buddy and we understand how to help you out because of the experience we have gained in so many years helping people like you. We promise that you will have a beautiful, easy and fabulous life. Get ready and prepare yourself not to live life like this anymore. You can and you will let things go and live and give a normal life. 


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